40’ expandable home 40’ expandable home

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40’ expandable home
Qty: 1
11800 mm (l) x 2200 mm (w) x 2480 mm (h)
4500 kg
4500 kg
I’ve ordered this expandable house from china, so will be a few weeks before it arrives. I’m not exactly sure how it works, but I believe it will come in a container to the Townsville wharf, I think the container will need to be picked up from there and taken to a depot, the house taken out of the container, and the container returned to the wharf. Then wanting it freighted out to Julia creek. Not totally sure if that’s all needed, but if you could please quote on having to do that would be best. A tilt tray that could drop it on site in Julia creek would be best, but if not I should be able to organise a tractor or 2 to help unload it. Cheers Nigel

Pickup and Dropoff

Townsville, QLD 4810 Julia Creek, QLD 4823
Est. 646 km

Load Info

Portable Building

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